Our Services
To establish and manage Schools and colleges at primary, middle higher level and open colleges for higher education for dissemination of Education.To encourage poor and unemployed for education and self independence and trained them by providing technical & Vocational education and establish education centers in rural and urban areas.To conduct training programmes for poor and unemployed to make them independent and encourage them for self employment.To run orphanages, hostels, aashrams and specials schools for poor and street children, handicapped, poor women and widows.To Arrange & conduct programmes for the Women & Child development and get connected them to the different government health and education polocies.To run health centers, hospitals and health awareness camps and conduct programmes for family planning and child welfare.To conduct Awareness programmes for Aids, drug addiction, and social evils. and campaigns to stop them and publish literature for that.To arrange training programmes in rural and urban areas, to educate modern computers techniques and typing, yoga, music, coaching classes, beauty parlour courses, tailoring, embroidary, knitting and weaving and other technical education.To work for social development and fulfilment of above objectives to run and conduct programmes for upliftment of the society.

Talent Search Contest
We are working in 18 different state of india for developing quality education in rural as well as urban area of our country. More than 345000 students of 14,000 schools have participated in contest in last 14 years.More than 2000 students got awards,scholarship & Prizes.

Lakshya Education Fair
LAKSHYA is the one stop solution for all your National/International study needs. Its core activity lies in assisting students to make the right choice with regard to pursuing further educational. Its a type of event in which NESWC provide guidence to people facing a variety of career Challenges.

Einstein Hunt
Navodaya's Einstein Hunt is looking for exceptionally brilliant & accomplished young persons to break the paradigm and lead the world. The techno-era calls for the outstanding students who lead the world with their findings which are not only eco friendly.

Principal Meet
Principal meet is an event in which NESWC invites principals from various schools for giving their inovative idea's in the feild of education. The meet set's the tone for the school throughout the year.Its the time to share Knowledge, be social,to establish the goal for the year & to go ahead.