
Einstein Hunt

Navodaya's Einstein Hunt is looking for exceptionally brilliant or accomplished young person. The techno-era calls for the outstanding students who have the talent to break the paradigm and lead the world with their findings which are not only eco friendly,but can swap the destruction outlook of human beigns.

M.P Event Detail

With a motive to search the outstanding student of Bhopal zone and unveil the exceptionally brilliant talent of the zone Navodaya Education Society and Welfare Committee (NES&WC) is coming up with a unique “Talent Quest- Navodaya’s Einstein Hunt 2016”.
The idea behind this contest is to make it clear that nobody can achieve anything worth while in his/her life unless he himself/herself has the conviction that he/ she can achieve it. A. Navodaya’s Einstein Hunt-2016
Rules and Regulations-
1 The contest is open to the students of classes 1st to 12th.
2 The contest is a written objective-type test of 1 hour duration, comprising 40 objective-type test of 1 hour duration, comprising 40 objective-type (Multiple Choice) questions.
3 There are separate question papers for each class.
4 The medium of the test is English.
5 CBSE, ICSE/ISC and State Board syllabus is followed for setting the test papers.
6 The contest will test the scientific, mathematical and reasoning aptitude of the student.
7 The syllabus will be of the previous class. (For Example, class VI question paper will be set from class V syllabus and so on.)

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